
Òrain is Amhrain

Following performances in Scotland in June and at Celtic Colours in October, Mairi and Diane Canon accompanied by Mhairi Hall and Mike Wass will be performing in Ireland at the end of November and beginning of December.  As part of

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Metagama Collab @ Ceòl is Craic

Màiri will be participating in an exciting collaboration with Kinnaris Quintet, Gillebrìde MacMillan and Màiri Morrison on 22nd April at the CCA on Sauchiehall St, Glasgow. This event commemorates the 100th anniversary of the sailing of the SS Metagama from

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Seinn @ Seirm

View Màiri singing three songs from ‘Gu Deas’ as part of the Seirm series on BBC Alba. Màiri accompanied by Mhairi Hall, Megan Henderson and Rachel Newton was recorded for the latest Seirm series for BBC Alba in January 2022.

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New release, Màiri MacMillan, album

‘Gu Deas’ Album Release

‘Gu Deas’ my album of Gàidhlig songs is available today.  I’m very excited to be releasing my first album, as this is a something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Recording of the album began in late July

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